The application description of Code-K connector

Code-K Connector is an application that allows information integration between Microsoft Dynamics CRM (MSCRM) and legacy systems. This integration is obtained through a complete Microsoft-supported system, due to the employment of native MSCRM Web Services and other functionality, which assure the correct operation of implemented business policies.

The integration occurs through XML (eXtensible Markup Language) integration messages posted on the Connector Database by the legacy systems or MSCRM. Those messages can have two directions:

From ERP : integration messages posted by the legacy systems. Connector will read, validate, and insert them on MSCRM;

From CRM : integration messages posted by MSCRM. The creation of messages is obtained through Plugins or Workflows, and MSCRM will post those messages on Connector database.

Besides operating using Microsoft-supported methods and classes, Code-K Connector offers full possibility of entity and relationship insertion, i.e. accounts and its related contacts.